
Wish Washy

This post was originally going to be a list of things I wish were different. Then I thought 
"Jeez woman, how negative can you be?". SO, instead, here are a couple of things I am thankful for on this beautiful Monday morning:

1.  My sister, Alyssa. She may have just gotten upset because I asked her to grab me some oatmeal while she was at Trader Joes, but when I offered to pay for it she didn't respond... so my assumption is she loves me and doesn't really care .. or maybe she just didnt hear me.

2. My aminals. Laylah layed in the middle of my yoga mat this morning. She was totally in the way but she wanted to be close to me and was just so cute so she just napped and I yogaED around her =)

1 comment:

  1. haha sometimes it's easy to rant isn't it. glad you chose the positive.

    the flower crown is beautiful. so romantic.

