

A few things that have been on my mind lately....

1. Who puts together news previews?

    I'm really curious. It makes me a little nervous when the 30 second preview starts with a terrible story about a student who died and cuts straight to a story about what the weather is going to be like this week.

2. Family Dinners
    Growing up, my parents, sister and I always ate dinner together. Whatever we did after school, we always had to make sure we came home for family dinner (which was usually at 5 by the way, I don't remember eating any later than that!). Once my sister and I were both in high school they dwindled a little, but I think once I went to college they disapeared completely, and now we are all on different schedules and it doesn't happen as often... well, what I mean is that our schedules definitely don't work around any kind of dinner schedule. The point is: I miss them! My cousins are all grown up now too but it would be nice to get together on a lazy Sunday when my grandma is home and all have dinner together again! Just sayin'!

3. Will I always live in LA?

    I must ask myself this at least a few times a week. I have a serious love/hate relationship with this place! While I was living in Hollywood, I had my problems with it (like not being able to walk to my friends house at night time when she lived 2 blocks away, and the insane traffic problems), but for the most part I loved it... and everytime I go back I'm crazy nostalgic and want to move back that very second. BUT my dreams of wandering in and out of cities throughout the US are always lingering...... I just wonder if it will ever. really. happen.

4. !!!FILM!!!
   I got my 3 polaroid cameras in the mail (MEEEEEEEP) and the next step is getting film from this amazing place: The Impossible Project. ALSO, i'm going to start using my old film camera again. 

Thats it for now, I'm going to continue watching the first season of Jersey Shore (dont judge me!!!)

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