
A week in photos oct 17-23 the animal edition!


MY BABIES! Knives, a new kitty addition (techincally Tyler's brother's new kitten but I love her so shes mine too). Honey, my poodle/maltese/goat mix. Sephie, Tyler's crazy warrior kitty. Laylah, my BEAUTIFUL (obvi) bunny.. and Tony Pezzulo Delveccio <3

I snapped this before a shoot I did this week. I'm thinking a may say farewell to my red hair today. It is SO hard to keep up and my hair hates me for it! I'm gonna miss it =(

Sephie and I were besties this past weekend.... she'll never admit it but she was spooning with me.

We went to a little diner in Hillcrest Friday night... and I may or may not have cheated on my diet and had french fries. THEY WERE SO GOOD MY MOUTH IS WATERING OVER THEM THIS VERY SECOND... but don't worry, I went back to my diet the next morning.. =) + =(

Handsome and his bloody mary brunch

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