
A week in photos October 10-16

My sister has been baking cookies all week for a family picnic we had yesterday. Sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies, a billion cookies, peanut butter cupcakes, cheesecake.. mini apple pies! So any hope of trying to diet this week was not going to happen. I CANT STOP!!

I took Little Londy's first pictures =) She is SO tiny and SO precious. She totally wasnt digging it but they came out super sweet.

^This is where my favorite part of my week began. My bridge. I was doing a two hour drive and the weather was PERFECT and the sun was going down. 
The sun was shining through the window, and my soundtrack.. Phantogram's Eyelid Movies.. ended up giving me a sudden addrenaline boost! It was like a reset button was pushed.
Then, I had dinner with myself at a place off the freeway. It was kinda nice, actually, I hadn't done that in a while. I listened to an older couple's conversation about cell phones. How we love them and hate them. I agreed.

Friday afternoon I attended a military funeral. I'd never been to one before. It was sunny downtown but as soon as we drove up towards the graveyard it got extremely foggy and cold... it was so strange. They have funerals every 30 minutes, so sad... It was a nice service though. Very formal.

I spent a lot of time at the dinner table making this beautiful water menu art (because im 12)

Little Dean bug

Lauren and I at the family picnic. Meow!

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