
Kayla Gets Married

My cousin Kayla got married at the San Bernadino courthouse today. Congrats Kayla&Chris!



I just looked at my bucket list and wanted to vomit. I have not accomplished one thing, NOT ONE! When am I going to have the time and money to do all of these things? I better get moving!!

  1. Raise chickens (I think I'm over this one)
  2. Jump out of a plane (This is probably the closest to being done)
  3. Live in a different country for a year
  4. Foster a family of kittens or puppies (!!!!!!)
  5. Perform with a band
  6. Swim in all of the Great Lakes
  7. Swim with dolphins
  8. Run through a corn field
  9. Watch an animal being born
  10. See the Grand Canyon
  11. See the Pyramids
  12. Take a picture of the Taj Mahal
  13. Have an art show
  14. Attend a Mardi Gras
  15. Go to Burning Man (I should plan on going next year)
  16. Have a legitimate food fight
  17. Own a pottery wheel
  18. Photograph the northern lights
  19. Watch all the academy award winning movies
  20. Have a child
  21. Create something for my future children before I meet them
  22. Have a room dedicated to crafts
  23. Read the bible from start to finish
  24. Volunteer at an animal shelter
  25. Attend an Olympics
  26. Get Hypnotized 
  27. Travel Alone 
28. Watch the entire Criterion Collection (thanks Hulu Plus!)

I just ordered one of these: 